What Determines the Quality of Propolis?
Technology for people and nature is the value of Unique Biotech.
What Determines the Quality of Propolis?
Technology for people and nature is the value of Unique Biotech.
Primarily, the quality is determined by
the climate condition of region in
which propolis was collected.
Primarily, the quality is determined by the climate condition of region in which propolis
was collected.
Propolis is a substance honeybee create by combining their secretion with
their secretion with resin and wax collected from plant stems and leaves to apply it
at the upper part of beehive.
Since its components originate from plants, the quality of propolis is inevitably affected significantly by the species of flora and trees located nearby the beehive where propolis was created.
Plants secret resin ingredient to protect themselves from any external wound during which various substances are mixed with the resin ingredient. Since honeybee collects such ingredient and transfers it to their beehive upon combining it with secretion various active ingredients originating from plants are found in propolis. Accordingly, the quality of propolis is primarily determined by the region where it was collected and species of trees in the region since of trees vary depending on climate conditions.
Secondarily, the quality is determined by
the method of extraction
and processor.
Since natural propolis found inside beehive cannot by directly collected by humans,
various methods of extraction and processing are needed for our consumption.
An extraction method using alcohol is commonly and most widely used since resin and wax occupy over 80% of natural propolis. Other methods include supercritical extraction using carbon dioxide (CO2), micellization extraction using emulsifier and
hot water extraction using boiling water.
'Uniquebiotech' has developed a water-soluble extract method that doesn't need emulsifiers or any chemical artificial additives and has made it publicized.
In the end, the quality of propolis is determined primarily by selecting good natural propolis that was collected in good natural conditions and secondarily by selecting highly effective extraction and processing method.
Every propolis product made by Unique Biotech is manufactured based on our patented technology “Eco-friendly, Non-alcoholic Water-soluble Propolis Preparation Method”
CEO l Yong kap Hur
Company Registration Number l 302-81-24265
Head office and factory
[54576] 49, Foodpolis-ro, Wanggung-myeon, Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea
TEL 063.838.8877 ㅣ FAX 063.838.8876
Yeongdong office
[29131] 310, Daehak-ro, Yeongdong-eup, Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
TEL 043.745.6886 ㅣ FAX 043.745.6887
CEO l Yong kap Hur
Company Registration Number l 302-81-24265
Head office and factory
[54576] 49, Foodpolis-ro, Wanggung-myeon, Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea
TEL 063.838.8877 ㅣ FAX 063.838.8876
Yeongdong office
[29131] 310, Daehak-ro, Yeongdong-eup, Yeongdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
TEL 043.745.6886 ㅣ FAX 043.745.6887